(eu) ropa - io abito qui this is my address

(Eu) ropa
io abito qui this is my address
"(eu) ropa" is supported by Gruppo e.Motion Contemporary dance | IBERESCENA (funds for the creation of Latin American performing arts)ELECTA Creative arts (Italy); Abiti Puliti | Clean Clothes Campaign.

Franco Sacchetti

EU-ROPA is an artistic investigation about clothes - through the medium of performing and media arts –clothes that cover and smarten us up, give us identity and color, while depriving other people of basic human rights, and impoverishing the environment by their production.
In April 2013 the collapse of Rana Plaza factory building near Dhaka, Bangladesh, put all of us in front of the world’s worst industrial disaster after Bhopal, and the worst ever in the garment sector, with more than 1100 victims. That was just the last of a long black list of accidents and violations, involving the most important global brands, revealing a system of exploitation of human and natural resources which is just the B-side of our western society. We cannot turn our heads as we are part of this society, and we are all probably dressing - or have probably dressed – some clothes that are the result of a fundamental injustice. We cannot turn our heads since the awareness about what we wear involves also awareness about what we are, as individuals or society, and what we appear to be.
Clothes are mostly the reason why we put ourselves in front of a mirror, so the project “EU-ROPA” aims to put us in front of a mirror at a deeper level; in front of our condition as western citizens, fostering reflection about our life style; in front of our condition as human beings, since it is very pregnant to compare clothes covering up our body with our body covering up our soul as a permanent yet transitory dress. And as dresses can mean prison or slavery for some people, also our bodies can be a prison for ourselves, if we don’t get the way to freedom.
“EU-ROPA” is an artistic project which aims also to support the European Clean Clothes Campaign (www.cleanclothes.org) to spread awareness about social injustice and working conditions in the global garment and sportswear industries.

Research process and Performance: Sabrina Zeleznik, Gisela Fantacuzzi
Choreography: Gisela Fantacuzzi
Composer and Sound designer: Hernan Vives 
Training: Maria Gabriela Iasparra
Video and Photo: Erminia Cardone, Rodrigo Sena
Concept: Franco Sacchetti

Thanks to: Mailen Valdez, Isidora Zegers, Mariana Marchesano, Rodrigo Sena ("Quien me hizo esto" - (Eu) Ropa in Soud America); 
Spanki Borci (Slovenia), Spazio (A)Bruzzo,

Festival Histeria, Slovenia. http://www.festivalhisteria.com/ ;
DANSLAB, Den Haag, Holland: http://www.danslab.nl/
GÄNGEVIERTEL, Hamburgo, Germany: http://das-gaengeviertel.info/
Kulter, Amsterdam, Holland http://www.kulter.nl/KULTER..html
ELECTA Creative arts, Italy  http://www.electacreativearts.it/
ESPACIO MATTA, Italy http://www.artistiperilmatta.org/
Teatro Comunale di Anghiari, Italy  http://www.teatrodianghiari.it/

Info Hernan Vives: http://hvives.blogspot.it/
Info Franco Sacchetti www.francosacchetti.it
Facebook: Eu Ropa project



Gisela Fantacuzzi:

Tel Italia: (0039) 3466128848
skype: gisela.fantacuzzi

Click here 

 Teaser | Quien me hizo esto?
(Eu) ropa project in Residencias PAR, Uruguay.


Italian Version

io abito qui this is my address


(Eu)ropa è un progetto artistico di INSOMNIA - Compagnia Internazionale di Danza Teatro con il sostegno di Gruppo e.Motion di Francesca La Cava.
(eu) ropa è stato creato con il supporto di Electa Creative Arts, di  IBERESCENA (fondi di aiuto per le arti performative di Latinoamerica)

Il titolo del progetto gioca con il nome del nostro continente risultante dall’unione del portoghese EU, ovvero io, e dello spagnolo ROPA, ovvero vestito.
La performance (Eu)ropa propone una riflessione sul comportamento della società occidentale contemporanea, in un’epoca di produzione e consumo indiscriminato ma anche di crescente vuoto esistenziale. Un’indagine artistica sul tema dei vestiti che rivestono i nostri corpi e al contempo spogliano altre persone di elementari diritti umani attraverso la loro produzione.
I vestiti sono la ragione per la quale spesso ci mettiamo di fronte a uno specchio, i vestiti ci identificano. Il progetto (Eu)ropa mira a metterci di fronte ad uno specchio a un livello più profondo: di fronte alla nostra condizione di cittadini occidentali, stimolando una riflessione sul nostro stile di vita; di fronte alla nostra condizione di esseri umani nudi, essendo assolutamente pregnante paragonare i vestiti che ricoprono il nostro corpo, con il nostro stesso corpo che ricopre la nostra anima, come un vestito permanente eppure transitorio.
(Eu)ropa è un progetto artistico che supporta la campagna Abiti Puliti nel diffondere consapevolezza sulle condizioni di lavoro nell’industria tessile globale, per sensibilizzare e mobilitare i consumatori, e fare pressione verso imprese e governi.

Artists working in the project

Hernan Vives | 

Composer and sound designer

Hernan Vives (1968)
Improviser, composer and performer of guitars and lutes, he has been traveling for over 20 years in the
elds of Contemporary music and Early music, working deeply into the relationship between them .
As a soloist and with many ensembles, he has participated in festivals in Europe and in America. He has made numerous recordings in Argentina, France  and Chile, and has edited three cds with the label NoSesoRecords: Parco (electronic works) Los Aromos (guitar improvisations/recorded live in the mountains of Corboda /Argentina and Música para tiorba I.He has worked with Adriana de los Santos, Lucio Capece, Zelmar Garin, Gabriel Paiuk, Manfredo Kraemer, Gabriel Garrido, Juan Manuel Quintana and Marcelo Birman, among other musicians.

He has composed music for dance and theater. 

In 2011 he premiered works for theorbo from Roberto Azaretto and Martin Liut. 
Besides his constant activity playing continuo in the most important ensembles specialized in Early music in Argentina, he is currently working on projects with singer Flora Gril ("ancient, contemporary and immediate musics") and a lute duo with Jose Luis Akel He teaches lute, repertoire and chamber music at the "Conservatorio Superior de Música Manuel de Falla " in Buenos Aires and at the "Instituto Promusica" in Rosario 


Sabrina Železnik | performer 

She started dancing in Plesni Forumu Celje (Slovenia) at the age of 6. Besides many achievements in the field of contemporary dance, such as the slovenian national price "Opus 1" in 2006 and 2007 and the participation to international festivals (in Macao, New Delhi, Bruxelles, ...) she gained her experiences also in the field of theatrical expression. Acting, directing and creating a theatre movement in several experimental and traditional performances challanged her as a performer and as an individual. She‘s also been teaching dance for children from 2004 to 2008. At the moment she is finishing studies at the University of Ljubljana (Cultural studies) and is working on some projects with coreographer Gisela Fantacuzzi. She is actively participating in international workshops and is entering master studies 'Theatre Practice" at ArtEZ Intitute of arts in Arnhem, Netherland.

Maria Gabriela Iasparra | training

Maria Gabriela Iasparra (1969, 25 de mayo, Argentina) is graduate in Osteopathic Clinic from the I.A.O. (Argentine Institute of Osteopathy). She studied Cranio-Sacral Therapy in the Upledger Institute international courses, Visceral Manipulation at the Barral Institute and Biodinamic Therapy with Carole Dumais (D.O.) She has also carried out studies in diverse body therapies including G.P.R. (Global Postural Reeducation), Yoga and Anatomy applied to Movement with Blandine Calais-Germain. She holds a vast experience in the work with dance and movement professionals, and is part of the performance training programe of LEM (Buenos Aires). As performer she took part in various dance works since 1999 as member of the la oTra compañía de baile (Buenos Aires) 

Franco Sacchetti | Concept and drawing

 Gisela Fantacuzzi | performer and coreographer 

Gisela Fantacuzzi (1981, Buenos Aires, Argetina) She Trained in Theatre dance at I.U.N.A (Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte (2000-2006) Buenos Aires; from 2005 she is founder and director of Insomnia (www.insomniaitalia.blogspot.it) a dance theatre company in Buenos Aires.
 From 2003 to 2011 she has been in charge as trainer of  Entrenamiento en Danza e Improvisacion” (Training for Dance and Improvisation) workshop in the “Borges” Cultural Center in Buenos Aires;
And teaching her Workshop for “Performance in unconventional spaces” in Argentina: “Centro Cultural Borges” Buenos Aires, “La soderia teatro” Tucuman, “Escuela Nacional de Danza” Rosario; Chile: “Balmaceda arte joven” Concepciòn and  “Centro Profesional de Creación Coreografica” Santiago de Chile; Italy:  “Belfiore danza” Torino; Slovenia: “Jedro” Youth Center Medvode and “Kultumat“ a project supported by Ministry of culture, Ljubljana,
Gisela  works and has worked with a number of artists, choreographers and directors, including Khosro Adibi (P.A.R.T.S), Guillermo Angelelli (Odin Theater), Giorgio Rossi (Sosta Palmizi company)
Luca Ciarla (Violipiano arts), Adriana Barenstein (Buenos Aires), Viviana Iasparra (Espacio Lem),
As choreographer and director she has created outstanding performances, such as:
"Smettere di camminare, dejar" (2005); "Como una niña de tiza rosada sobre un muro muy viejo súbitamente borrada por la lluvia” (2006-2007); "Migrare" (2006) granted by PRODANZA (Institute for the Promotion of Dance Activity unofficial Ministry of Culture, Government of the City of Buenos Aires).  “No es fácil beber juntos o no se por que te envidio” (2008); “8 AM" (2009); "Enfriamiento de la temperatura que llega hasta el vacío" (2010); "Como saben mis labios al besarlos" (2010); “I wish this would be your colour” (2013) She has performed in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Italy, Slovenia and Spain.
She is currently developing her research for Performance in unconventional spaces, studying and practicing the Feldenkrais Method, using it as a basis for training and research in moviment;

Past and Future performances 2014-2017:

DANSLAB, Den Haag, Netherlands: http://www.danslab.nl/
Metelkova, Ljubljana http://www.metelkova.org/
Kapu, Linz, Austria  http://www.kapu.or.at/
GÄNGEVIERTEL, Hamburg http://das-gaengeviertel.info/
Festival Histeria, Slovenia. http://www.festivalhisteria.com/
Expedition Metropolis, Berlin  http://www.expedition-metropolis.de/
Centro Cultural Borges (Buenos Aires): http://www.ccborges.org.ar/
ELECTA Creative arts, Italy  http://www.electacreativearts.it/
ESPACIO MATTA, Pescara, Italy http://www.artistiperilmatta.org/

Creative Residences:

Future Performances

·       Festival Histeria, Slovenia. http://www.festivalhisteria.com/
·         DANSLAB, Den Haag, Holland: http://www.danslab.nl/
·         GÄNGEVIERTEL, Hamburg: http://das-gaengeviertel.info/
·         Kino Siska, Lubljana: http://www.kinosiska.si/en
·         Plesni dance Celje, Eslovenia: http://www.plesniforum-kud.si/rubrika/63
·         Metelkova, Ljubljana http://www.metelkova.org/ 
·         Kulter, Amsterdam  http://www.kulter.nl/KULTER..html
·         Kapu, Linz, Austria  http://www.kapu.or.at/
·         Expedition Metropolis, Berlin  http://www.expedition-metropolis.de/
·         ELECTA Creative arts, Italy  http://www.electacreativearts.it/

·         ESPACIO MATTA, Pescara, Italy http://www.artistiperilmatta.org/